Ruby Introduction:
Ruby is a dynamic process of reflection, general purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features. Ruby originated in Japan in the mid-1990s and was originally developed and designed by Yukihiro "Matz 'Matsumoto. It was mainly influenced by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, and Lisp.
Ruby supports multiple programming paradigms, including functional, object oriented, imperative and reflection. It also has a dynamic type system and automatic memory management, it is similar in several respects to Python, Perl, Lisp, Dylan and CLU pike.
Ruby on Rails impact on productivity :
Rails is an integrated framework that uses the dynamic nature of Ruby programming language, object-oriented. Rails developers emphasize features of the framework for productivity rather than tools, and they adopt a common approach to Web architecture that should satisfy the needs of a large web application projects in the wild.
As Rails was developed, the innovative leadership realized there was a multitude of features inherent to the framework that could benefit all Web applications. Rails is an extremely productive framework for web applications to databases of claims. It differs from other frameworks in that it preaches Convention on the configuration. In general, if you were building a computer program, you have to start from scratch and rely heavily on the skills and experience of the architect team to develop and comply with standards writing good software. Rails primarily uses conventions to avoid configuration when possible, resulting in time savings and increased productivity. In a study conducted by IBM, Rails applications require a fraction of the configuration code of Java counterparts, often by a factor of ten or more. ¹ where the programmer must specify configuration, Rails usually relies on Ruby programming language to provide configuration. The strategy for saving the developers of many lines of code and simplifies the code that needs to be written. In taking decisions away from the mundane but essential developer productivity gains substantially because more time and attention is spent to meet the needs of the customer rather than the technical plumbing can be a burden for most projects.
Ruby on Rails is known for its ability to create Web applications quickly and easily. For first time users Java, it can take approximately five to ten days to build a moderately useful Web application that communicates with a database using Java Web more accepted practices such as separating the business logic, the display logic (commonly known as Model-View-Controller). In the absence of prior training on Ruby on Rails, it takes about a day to achieve the same goal using the Ruby programming language. In several days, it is possible to build a relatively complete Web application with Ruby on Rails.
In Java, a developer has countless decisions on how to proceed to communicate with a database. If I use JDBC? Should I use an object-relational mapping (ORM) Library, and if I use an ORM, which should I select? TopLink? Hibernate? JDO? Do I need to use EJB2 or EJB3? Rails has a base layer of data in its integrated ORM framework called ActiveRecord. Another useful feature of Rails is scaffolding - Similar to how a building under construction uses scaffolding to help build the final structure, Rails can generate code called scaffolding that can be used to quickly establish functional web pages that speak to a database and allow you to add, delete and edit information quickly and with very little coding. As mentioned previously, in other languages, you must select the naming conventions and define the general structure of the file system, while Rails uses the conventions and the Ruby programming language for all of this is provided to you. Managers appreciate the fact that Rails minimizes setup and promotes standardization. This feature enables programming skills to be more portable. Rails developers can move from one project to another with ease, since standards common to all development projects, such as naming conventions, directory structures, unit-test frameworks, and the interface models, are already decided, with working samples always available.
Another feature of Ruby on Rails which improves developer productivity is the rapid feedback loop. The feedback loop is the amount of time between making a code change and seeing results in the execution of your application on the screen. In Rails, you will find information that appear almost instantaneous code. There is no compilation or packaging phase needed. You can immediately load a browser page to see the results of your changes. Managers should take note of that feature, because with enhanced productivity comes improved client satisfaction. Say you're meeting with a client, and they have some changes they would like to integrate you into their Web applications. With Ruby on Rails, you can make changes quickly and see immediate results, improving the overall customer experience.
It is important to note that the introduction of a radically different framework such as Ruby on Rails can be detrimental to the development of a business, testing and production infrastructure. For example, Rails applications are installed differently than the platforms of common development, such as Java or Microsoft. NET. Operations managers need to understand how to use it effectively.
But acceptance Rails is already known in large companies like IBM, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems Apple. Sun Microsystems supports a project called JRuby allows Ruby applications to run in a Java virtual machine. Efforts like JRuby will make it easier for companies to transition and adapt to Ruby on Rails because it will be part of a familiar structure. Apple Computer has announced that Ruby on Rails will be included in the next version of its flagship operating system, OS X 10.5 (Leopard). And even Microsoft has included support Ruby programming language as part Newest rich internet Silverlight. The world's largest publisher of technical, O'Reilly Media, has even acknowledged Ruby's rapid growth and now considers it a major language of triple digit growth between 2006 and 2007. (Http: / / / ~ r / oreilly / radar / Atom / ~ 3/117292190/state_of_the_co_10.html)
A question on Ruby on Rails relates to its performance relative to its peers. Some companies claim that Ruby on Rails does not perform as well as comparable systems. Comments such as these must be examined in an objective and balanced against productivity gains. Managers must then make the decision whether it is cheaper to hire people or purchase additional hardware, and chances are they will find that purchasing more hardware is more financial logic.
Conclusion :
The people are giving more focus to Ruby on Rails, and for good reason. With the advent of the Rails framework, the Ruby programming language made its way up. By focusing on the Convention on the configuration,
Ruby on Rails is lowering the entry barriers to the lineup and a positive impact on employee productivity, ultimately, proof that all the hype is true and well deserved.