Saturday, September 4, 2010

Personal development

Personal development is a process of individual self-development and the development of others. At the level of the individual, personal development includes goals, plans or actions oriented towards one or more of the following aims:

* improving self-awareness
* improving self-knowledge
* building or renewing identity
* developing strengths or talents
* identifying or improving potential
* building employability or human capital
* enhancing lifestyle or the quality of life
* fulfilling aspirations
* defining and executing personal development plans

12 Personal Development Tips For Life Success

1) Writing a plan, as is so often acknowledged, increases the odds of you actually carrying out that plan. So don't keep it in your head. Use pen and paper or your computer.
2) Now acknowledge your past successes. No matter how long ago those successes might be, it is a good idea to be reminded of what success is and how rewarding it feels as an experience. Write down the successes that have meant the most to you.
3) Now look at all the areas of your life which include as they say, work, rest and play. So look at your occupation, your home life, your recreational pursuits and write them all down. These must be what you are currently doing.
4) Now rate how happy or successful you are or how much you enjoy those areas you wrote down for no. 3)
5) If there are any areas from no. 3) that stick out as being energy-sapping, unhappy things or activities that you endure, or aspects of what you do that you could improve, than these could indicate a focus for your energy regarding your personal development.
6) If you are happy with everything in no. 3) or for whatever reason choose not to change anything right now, than that is okay. It at least means you have reviewed your current circumstances.
7) If tip no. 6) holds true for you, then you may be considering adding to what you already do and how you utilise your time, energy and resources. If you know what it is you want to work on, great. If you don't know, do a little day-dreaming and just let your mind flit between ideas and desires until you settle on some change that excites you. A change that you are passionate about.
8) Whatever area of your life you have chosen to change or add to and therefore to develop, it is vital that you feel motivated to change. So this change must be chosen by you and not because someone else thinks it is the right thing for you to do. You must "own" your goal for change if you are to see it through and enjoy success.
9) Now write down on your plan, in vague terms initially, what your personal development desire is (eg. earn some extra money)
10) Now you need to describe in more detail your practical ideas for turning your stated desire into your reality (eg. start a part time internet business selling shoes). What steps do you need to take to make your desire become a reality.
11) Take the steps you have written down and write target dates beside each one. This will keep you focussed on getting the steps completed and help keep you motivated as well as providing evidence that you are progressing.
12) You may need to review and refine what you do as you go along. Flexibility and a willingness to adapt to unforeseen events and changing conditions will enable you to succeed.
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