Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Increasing Web Traffic

how do you increasing web traffic and how do you do it for free? Well listen, there are things that have worked for the last six years and are still working today. The thing you have to do is study what works.
Pick one or two things and study them in depth. You need to understand it before you can move on. So, make sure you take the time to learn the first thing you pick.

Below I list the ways that work best today and in the order you should perform them. Once you see them go to a search engine and start to study them. Remember there is much more to this than you will find on the first page of search results.

Pay Per Click

One of the best things you can do is create a Pay Per Click (PPC) account on Google or Yahoo. If you're avoiding PPC because you've been burned by it or because you're afraid of the expense, consider this:

You're spending money anyway (in advertising) but PPC generally drives warm leads to your business instead of browsers. If you put a dollar value on your time, how much would you have already spent just to "tweak" the keyword percentage on your site? You have control over all kinds of factors with Google AdWords to help you control your expenses. (In fact, you should cap the amount you spend per month while you're just getting started). And, most importantly, you can tweak your advertisement periodically to see what pulls better.


Even though you just read my scathing criticism of keyword usage in a previous paragraph, let me clarify that keywords are important to have on your site. Here's one smart way to use them.

If you haven't done this lately, go and see what your competitors are doing on their site for keywords. Google your keyword and pick the top 5 sites. Check out their site's source code to discover what keywords they are using in their meta tags and headers.

Choose the top keywords and use those in your meta tags and headers. Remember that the robots that read and rank your site read from the top left to the bottom right, so put your keywords on both places. (The "keyword" currently read by robots on the bottom right of most websites is "copyright"!).

Are there other keyword strategies? Yes. And you should make sure that your keywords are used in your text. But remember that although robots rank your site, it's your human visitors who are going to give you money for your product. So make sure you're ultimately writing for them!


Links can be a good solution, but many small business websites use link strategies poorly. We could spend an entire article talking about link strategies (and we will) but right now, you should know this: If you are going to get someone to link to you, make sure that they have a page rank that is higher than you and that their subject matter is related to you in some way. The page rank is important for the search engines to drive you higher but the similarity that you may have with the other site will help you get customers!


Blogs are powerful tools and can help you generate links and content. Blogs are just starting to come into their own as a corporate tool and in many cases, corporate blogs are still uncharted territory. Create an offsite blog but resist the temptation to post one or two highly self-promotional posts and a link. Again, your blog might help you get higher results in a search... but it won't help you convince your customers to buy from you!

i hope this article will help u a lot in increasing web traffic of your website.

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